Youth Leader Roles

Especially for those new to Heroic Youth, sometimes there can be confusion about the Youth Leader Roles in Hero Quest and Summit.  Here is a quick summary of the general roles of each male and female position in the Heroic Youth Hero Quest program. 

These descriptions focus mainly on days two and three, Summit, when the young knights and handmaidens are led by the youth, but the same hierarchy and structure will exist during Hero Quest, during the youth simulation.  Master Knights and Princesses will still be the leaders and everyone will be in the camps or kingdoms to which they have been assigned.  *Ages listed are approximate and does not guarantee a youth leader role in your age range.

Master Knight

(Approximate age range 16-18)*

A Master Knight is the leader in charge of your Camp. You exemplify duty and self-mastery. You encourage the other boys in your camp by living the Standards and the Hero's Creed, by example as well as with your words. 

You will work with your Master Knight partner to achieve your desired goals and take charge in Camp meetings to keep everyone focused and on task.

You will receive and review each camp member's Everyday Warrior Journey (EWJ) report as well as submit your own EWJ report, on time each week.  You will respond to EWJ reports for each member of your Camp with praise and encouragement related to what was reported.  You will keep an eye on who in your Camp is participating regularly and who you should be reaching out to in order to encourage participation.

You will work to ensure every member of your camp is fulfilling his role, feels included, and that there is unity in your Camp.  You will set an example by attending trainings and meetings on time and with a positive attitude. 

In Noble House meetings, you will work with your Master Knight partner and the Princesses to run the meetings, making sure that the objectives are met and ensuring that everyone's voice is heard.

For Event, Hero Quest, and Summit attire, please refer to the guidelines here.

Please note: There is an additional fee that will be collected after assignments go out to cover additional trainings and supplies for Master Knights.


(Approximate age range 16-18)*

A Princess is the leader in charge of your Kingdom.  You exemplify grace and righteous power.  You encourage the other girls in your Kingdom by living the Standards and the Hero's Creed, by example as well as with her words. 

You will work with your Princess-pair to achieve your desired goals and take charge in Kingdom meetings to keep everyone focused and on task.

You will receive and review each kingdom member's Everyday Warrior Journey (EWJ) report as well as submit your own EWJ report on time each week.  You will respond to reports from each member of your Kingdom with praise and encouragement related to what was reported.  You will keep an eye on who in your Kingdom is participating regularly and who you should be reaching out to in order to encourage participation.

You will work to ensure every member of your Kingdom is fulfilling her role, feels included, and that there is unity in your Kingdom.  You will set an example by attending trainings and meetings on time and with a positive attitude. 

In Noble House meetings, you will work with your Princess-pair and the Master Knights to run the meetings, making sure that the objectives are met, and ensuring that everyone's voice is heard.

For Event, Hero Quest, and Summit attire, please refer to the guidelines here.

Please note: There is an additional fee that will be collected after assignments go out to cover additional trainings and supplies for Princesses.


(Approximate age range 15-17)*

The Squire is the right hand of your Master Knight.  Your job is to support your Master Knight in whatever needs to be done (see a need, fill a need) to help your Master Knight succeed. 

You are a part of a team.  Your Camp's success is based in part on how well you are able to 'stay at your post' and support your Master Knight in whatever way he may need.

You will submit your EWJ report on time to your Master Knight each week.

For Event, Hero Quest, and Summit attire, please refer to the guidelines here.

Lady in Waiting

(Approximate age range 15-17)*

A Lady-in-Waiting is the 'right-hand' of your Princess.  Your job is to support your Princess in whatever needs to be done (see a need, fill a need) to help your Princess succeed.

You are a part of a team.  Your Kingdom's success is based in part on how well you are able to 'stay at your post' and support your Princess in whatever way she may need.

You will submit your EWJ report on time to your Princess each week.

For Event, Hero Quest, and Summit attire, please refer to the guidelines here.

Royal Guard

(Approximate age Range 14-18)*

Royal Guards have an emphasis on the care of physical needs as well as being the example of courtly language and behavior in your Noble House. You assist with food, snacks, equipment, and general care of the members of your House during Noble House meetings and Hero Quest. 

During Summit you will serve in your partner Kingdom, assisting the girls with these duties. 

In all places, you will be a gracious example of courtly behavior by bowing, using titles, and setting stellar examples of respect and courtesy. 

You will submit your EWJ report on time to your Master Knight each week.

For Event, Hero Quest, and Summit attire, please refer to the guidelines here.

Shield Maidens

(Approximate age Range 14-18)*

Shield Maidens have an emphasis on the care of physical needs as well as being the example of courtly language and behavior in your Noble House. You assist with food, snacks, equipment, and general care of the members of your House during Noble House meetings and Hero Quest.

During Summit you will serve in your partner Camp assisting the boys with these duties.

In all places, you will be a gracious example of courtly behavior by curtsying, using titles, and setting stellar examples of respect and courtesy. 

You will submit your EWJ report on time to your Princess each week.

For Event, Hero Quest, and Summit attire, please refer to the guidelines here.


(Approximate age range 12-15)*

A Page is a vital part of your Camp. 

You are the designated person to share official communication between Camps and Noble Houses.  You are also the 'welcoming committee' for your Camp. 

You will attend and participate in Camp and Noble House gatherings, keeping an eye out for those who look like they are not feeling included.  You should reach out to your Master Knight after each meeting and let him know if you noticed anyone being left out.

You will submit your EWJ report on time to your Master Knight each week.

For Event, Hero Quest, and Summit attire, please refer to the guidelines here.

Flag Bearer

(Approximate age range 12-15)*

A Flag-Bearer is a vital part of your Kingdom.  You are the designated person to share official communication between Kingdoms and Noble Houses.  You are also the 'welcoming committee' for your Kingdom. 

You will attend and participate in Kingdom and Noble House gatherings, keeping an eye out for those who look like they are not feeling included.  You should reach out to your Princess after each meeting and let her know if you noticed anyone being left out.

You will submit your EWJ report on time to your Princess each week.

For Event, Hero Quest, and Summit attire, please refer to the guidelines here.

Guardian Commanders

(Approximate age range 15-17)*

Guardians have a special focus on EWJ victories and service.  You encourage your Camp each week to submit EWJ victories to Lord Zak and Lady Sarah to share with the rest of the youth leaders.

You are an integral part of your Camp as you all work together to find ways to serve and foster unity. The Guardian Commander's job is to reach out to your Guardians and create plans to serve the members of your Camp and your Noble House.

You will also encourage the Guardians to participate in Noble House meetings and other trainings.  Guardians are often the newest members of Heroic Youth, so your special job is to make them feel seen, valued, and heard.

If you notice any concerns, you will report them to the senior Master Knight. 

You will submit your EWJ report on time to the senior Master Knight each week.

For Event, Hero Quest, and Summit attire, please refer to the guidelines here.

Valkyrie Commanders

(Approximate age range 15-17)*

Valkyries have a special focus on EWJ victories and service.  You encourage your Kingdom each week to submit EWJ victories to Lord Zak and Lady Sarah to share with the rest of the youth leaders. 

You are an integral part of your Kingdom as you all work together to find ways to serve and foster unity.  The Valkyrie Commander's job is to reach out to your Valkyries and create plans to serve the members of your Kingdom and your Noble House.

You will also encourage the Valkyries to participate in Noble House meetings and other trainings.  Valkyries are often the newest members of Heroic Youth, so your special job is to make them feel seen, valued, and heard.

If you notice any concerns, you will report them to the Senior Princess. 

You will submit your EWJ report on time to the Senior Princess each week.

For Event, Hero Quest, and Summit attire, please refer to the guidelines here.


(Approximate age range 12-15)*

Guardians have a special focus on service.  You are an integral part of your Camp as you work together to find ways to serve and foster unity. 

You will work with your Guardian Commander to create plans to serve the members of your Camp, Noble House, and personal family each week.

You will submit your EWJ report on time to your Master Knight each week.

For Event, Hero Quest, and Summit attire, please refer to the guidelines here.


(Approximate age range 12-15)*

Valkyries have a special focus on service.  You are an integral part of your Kingdom as you work together to find ways to serve and foster unity. 

You work with your Valkyrie Commander to create plans to serve the members of your Kingdom, Noble House, and personal family each week.

You will submit your EWJ report on time to your Princess each week.

For Event, Hero Quest, and Summit attire, please refer to the guidelines here.

Royal House Members

The Royal House is made up of the Crown Princess and Royal Master Knight, along with their Royal Lady-in-Waiting and Royal Squire, Royal Flag Bearer and Royal Page, Royal Shield Maiden and Royal Royal Guard, and Royal Valkyrie Commander and Royal Guardian Commander.  The Royal House is usually made up of former Princesses and Master Knights, which help to train other youth leaders in their roles and assist the Crown Princess and Royal Master Knight.  The commitment level expected in this role is VERY HIGH 

For Event, Hero Quest, and Summit attire, please refer to the guidelines here.

Please note: There is an additional fee that will be collected after assignments go out to cover additional trainings and supplies for Royal House Members.

*Ages listed are approximate and does not guarantee a youth leader role in your age range.

Attire/Costume Guidelines for Youth Leaders

All youth leaders agree to the 5 Commitments which includes appropriate attire for all events including the main Hero Quest and Summit events:

Commitment #2 - Dress and Grooming

I commit to dress modestly, allowing my actions and character to be the main focus. These guidelines include:

  • Shorts or skirts must be modest in length
  • Tops have sleeves
  • Modest necklines
  • Shirts cover midriff 
  • No images on clothing that are graphic, degrading, or profane. 
  • Close-toed shoes
  • Hair in naturally occurring colors (blond, brunette, auburn, etc. not blue, purple, green, etc.)
  • For main events -  I will wear appropriate costumes as described for my individual role. In addition, all male youth will be clean-shaven with a tidy haircut.

 I understand that I can be asked to leave if I do not follow these guidelines.

In addition to that commitment, we have included guidelines for youth leaders costume attire for Hero Quest and Summit:

Female Youth Leaders Costume Guidelines for Hero Quest and Summit
Male Youth Leader Costume Guidelines for Hero Quest and Summit
Terra Libre Costume Guide: Every youth leader position in Terra Libre (boys program) is provided with a tabard but boys need to provide their own base costume.  These are very simple:
  • Pants: Wear non-denim, long pants, preferably Dockers-style, or at least solid color athletic pants.  Denim is too hot, doesn't dry well, and causes chafing with the amount of walking and running we do.  No shorts permitted.
  • Shirts: Your shirt will be mostly covered by your tabard.  You can wear a t-shirt (be wise about what slogans may be printed on your shirt) or a dress shirt.  It works well to buy a thrifted dress shirt and cut off the collar then use leather cord to lace up the top two button holes to create a medieval-style shirt.  No sleeveless or cut-off shirts permitted.
  • Footwear: Comfortable close-toed shoes are a must.  Cool looking boots might be tempting but it's most important to protect your feet with the amount of walking we do.  The grass is often wet in the mornings so it's best to lean toward shoes that do well in the damp as opposed to canvas shoes like converse.  Shoes must be worn at all times.
  • Hats: hats for shade are encouraged but not required. They should be a style with a brim all around rather than baseball cap style and should not have any slogans on them.  Small labels are fine.
  • Armor: Armor is discouraged.  In fact, no armor pieces should be worn that cover your tabard in any way.  Arm bracers are ok, but no pauldrons or chest pieces or chainmail.  You are going to be working too hard to add that extra weight.
Take care of your costume through the day and make sure to be showered and wearing deodorant before you come to Hero Quest and Summit each day.