See A Need, Fill A Need
A person who can see a need and fill a need is truly heroic.
To look beyond yourself, and beyond what is expected of you, takes godly character traits like initiative and compassion.
Having initiative is recognizing and doing what needs to be done before you are asked to do it.
A list of needs would be endless, but just to get you thinking, consider these:
- Emotional needs of others, maybe they need a friend to talk to or someone to cheer them up.
- If there's work around the house or any place you are, be the one to do whatever needs to be done.
- Lift another’s burden, you may join them in their work or offer to take over what someone is struggling to do.
The important thing is to observe the world around you and look for opportunities. They are everywhere!
When you have compassion you sense what others are feeling or experiencing and are motivated to do something to help them.
Remember the story that Jesus told of the good Samaritan, it was compassion that made him stop and care for one who was in need. The Lord exemplified this parable in His own life as He went about doing good. He teaches us to be like this.
See a need fill a need is all about service. This kind of service feels really good because you are the one choosing to make a difference.
Service is amazing because you are working with the High Commander to fill these needs, as He gives promptings through the Spirit. As you respond to God’s call to serve He will bless you and you will become someone that He can count on.
It has been said that if you are depressed, or if you stand in need, serve. The more you serve the better you feel and the more you will see blessings.
If you can think of every person that you serve as God’s child, you will soon come to realize the love that He has for them and for you. The service that you give is greatly appreciated by the Lord.
You can print up these See A Need, Fill A Need HERO posters to hang on your wall!