Gird Up Your Loins With Truth

What does it mean to "gird up your loins”?
To gird up your loins is to prepare yourself for what is to come.
How should you prepare?
In our world today, many people say things like “speak your truth” or “live your truth” and even “you need to honor my truth.” This would imply that there are differing truths for each person, they suggest “what’s true for me may not be true for you.”
Is this true? Can truth be different for each person? The scriptures refer to truth as “the truth” over and over again. So what is going on here?
Some people change the truth into a lie to suit themselves.
The scriptures were written a long time ago, a lot has changed since then. Can truth change based on the time we live in?
But we each have different circumstances, the world is changing, things change around us. Does truth change with it?
Truth is unchanging, that is something we can count on.
Be a Truth Seeker
Receiving truth requires humility, many things that you think you know may not be true. And truth is not common knowledge, you will need to seek to find it.
How do you seek truth?
Compare everything you learn to the word of God in scripture and from prophets. If something contradicts God’s word, it’s not truth.
Ask God, He will tell you what is truth by the power of the Holy Ghost.
Discerning Truth
Remember, your enemy would like to deceive you, he wants you to be cast into the fire. But if you receive the truth, and let the High Commander Jesus Christ be your guide, you will be safe.
Have you been listening to the right voice? There are many voices speaking, even within your own mind. As our prophet has been urging, learn to hear Him.
Click the button below for an activity you can use often to help you gird up your loins with truth!
Stand for Truth
Once you have obtained truth you need to stand up for truth, and stand firm. This will prepare you to withstand the evil that is going to come at you.